
Your online e-commerce compliance audit and toolkit

The growth of the direct-to-consumer channel and the rapid acceleration of digitalisation, so the importance of a legally compliant online offering has increased.

Businesses are looking to reach consumers in both their home and international markets via websites, subscription services and apps.

Now Bird & Bird’s international Consumer Law Group (as part of the wider Retail & Consumer Group) has developed an online audit and toolkit for consumer-facing businesses.

Our e-commpliance product is broken down into two distinct, fixed-cost phases:

  • Firstly, an audit phase for businesses’ existing website and/or mobile application for an overall assessment for compliance with:
    • consumer protection and distance selling legislation;
    • information disclosure obligations;
    • data protection and privacy legislation; and
    • financial services legislation.
  • Following the audit, we provide a bespoke package of solutions to enable businesses to operate online in a legally compliant manner. These solutions include:
    • terms and conditions of sale;
    • consumer subscription terms;
    • privacy policies including cookie consents;
    • website terms of use; and
    • end-user licence agreements for apps.

We advise expanding businesses in the UK, Europe and Asia-Pacific. If you’re operating across multiple jurisdictions, it’s much more cost-effective using one law firm.

Whether you are an established brand looking to refresh your online offering or a start-up wanting to ensure that you enter the market with your best foot forward, we can help. It all starts with a conversation.

Please do contact Robert Turner, Graeme Payne or Megan Harrison to find out more.