
Products and services

How to rent commercial property in the UK
Renting a property is a big step. It can make or break a growing company. As one of your business’ largest expenses, you need to understand the hidden costs and restrictions. So, you’re thinking of a...
Renting your spare office space
Property can be one of your biggest overheads. Renting out spare office space for much needed revenue is tempting. But if you don’t take the proper precautions, it can be more trouble than it’s worth. Remote...
Are you cyber secure when working from home?
As remote working has increased, so have cyber threats on the equipment we use. Personal devices and home Wi-Fi don’t have the same level of protection as office-based systems with built-in security functions. Many...
What are IP rights and which rights do you have?
Intellectual property rights provide a business with competitive advantage in technology and knowledge focused markets, where companies battle to maintain an edge over their competition. IP rights can...
How can IP help your business?
Early registration of IP rights can give you a competitive advantage over other companies operating in your market for years to come. IP rights can help you in two ways: Protection and Commer...
A commercial lease: is it right for you?
When starting a new business there are a huge number of things to consider, with office work space being a significant one. Signing a lease commits the business to expensive overheads, and start-ups in...
How to deal with your competitor’s patents
If you discover that a patent already exists over an invention that is crucial for the success of your business, all is not lost – you may still be able to use the invention. Regardless of the patent’s...
Patents: what are the benefits and when is the best time to apply?
Unlike some other intellectual property rights (IP), patent protection does not arise automatically and a formal application is required. While patents are the most expensive IP rights to obtain, if done...
What are IP notices and why should you use them?
©, ® and TM are intellectual property notices that provide the public with notice that you have acquired certain intellectual property rights. Although using these symbols is not mandatory, doing so provides...
How do you protect a trade mark?
A trade mark can be protected by registering the mark at the UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO), provided that the mark is: A sign. This is a very wide definition and covers words, logos, colours,...